Fungsi Khusus:
1. meng-unlock GPS pada Hendheld BB dengan GPS terintegrasi.
(bagi yang pernah mencoba untuk search Sattelite namun tidak pernah dapet, mungkin ada fungsi GPS yang masih ke locked, dan bisa dibuka melalui eScreen)
2. memilih jaringan secara manual
Buat yg BB-nya carrier AT&T bisa 'memilih' opsi '3G Only' lho lewat engineering screen ini. |
berikut adalah cara untuk menampilkan Blackberry eScreen
Special thanks to Mr. Jelounge
click link dibawah ini langsung masuk ke keygen eScreen!
eScreen Keygen
Spoiler for for download keygen eScreen:
Spoiler for Contoh screenshot jika berhasil dapat keygen dari browser PC:
Contoh screenshot jika berhasil dapat keygen dari browser PC :
cara membuka eScreen di BB:
1. dari PC buka file HTML diatas
2. di homescreen Handheld/BB, tekan alt+shift+H (akan menunjukan Help me Screen)
3. masukan PIN
4. masukan app. Ver (ex. (xxx) )
5. dibagian bawah keygen akan tertera 8 digit gabungan angka dan huruf.
6. masukan ke 8 code tersebut di help me screen. (tidak akan terlihat ketika code dimasukan)
7. setelah semua code masuk, maka layar akan langsung berganti ke eScreen.
Spoiler for for storm user:
cara buka "help me screen" di storm,
pada home screen tekan dan tahan tombol ESC, lalu tekan layar sebelah kiri atas, kemudian kanan atas, kemudian kiri atas lagi, dan kanan atas lagi.
lalu pakai cara di page 1 untuk dapat code nya.
(sudah di test dan berhasil oleh Mr. Hunt)
1. Flip tampilan menjadi Landscape Mode.
2. dari Home screen, tekan dan tahan tombol 123 untuk mengaktifkan numlock.
3. tekan tombol Menu.
4. kemudian tampilkan Keyboard.
5. ketik 2*92
special thanks for Mr. kas2jr
thank's gan.... it's works!!
btw cara yang ke dua juga jalan koq...
mau memperjelas langkah2 nya buat cara lain selain cara yg udah di test sama bro huns.
langkah2 nya :
1. masuk ke home screen
2. munculkan keyboard dalam posisi landscape(tiduran)
3. tahan tombol !#123 sampai muncul tanda lock diatasnya, lalu tekan tombol 2*92
4. maka akan muncul help me screen.
thank's, bener udah bisa gan... ^_^
nice share!!![/quote]
Spoiler for for homescreen:
test on:
Device: BB Curve 8310
themes: Precision Mini Storm (credit goes to Mr. Lucubrb)
Spoiler for for inside BB eScreen:
1. mobile Network eScreen
2. OS eScreen
3. JVM eScreen
4. Display Event Log (sama seperti alt+LGLG)
5. Deactivate Radio (buat menyalakan dan mematikan fungsi radio/signal telp. dengan kata lain flight mode)
6. Power off (buat mematikan Handheld keseluruhan sama seperti menekan tombol tutup telp beberapa detik)
Spoiler for for sub-inside BB eScreen:
Spoiler for singkatan yang digunakan dalam eScreen:
disadur dari warung e' orang londo
Acronyms used in the Engineering Menu
CS - Circuit Switched: Identifies the circuit switched domain and the use of circuit switched data.
PS - Packet Switched: In a packet switched network, data may be transferred by dividing it into small blocks or pieces known as packets. Each packet contains information in its header to allow it to be routed by packet switches across the network. This is a more efficient means of transferring data.
PDP - Packet Data Protocol: A packet transfer protocol used in wireless GPRS networks
MCC - Mobile Country Code: A three digit number uniquely identifying a given country
MNC - Mobile Network Code: The Mobile Network Code is either a two or three digit number used to uniquely identify a given network from within a specified country
LAC - Location Area Code: Uniquely identifies a LA (Location Area) within a PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network). It may range from 0 to 65,535
RAC - Routing Area Code: Routing Area Code is a fixed length of 1 octet and identifies a routing area within a location area. The RAC is part of the RAI (Routing Area Identity)
MSC - Mobile Switching Center: A telecommunication switch or exchange within a cellular network architecture which is capable of interworking with location databases
SGSN - Serving GPRS Support Node: keeps track of the location of an individual MS (Mobile Station) and performs security functions and access control. The SGSN also exists in a UMTS network, where it connects to the RNC (Radio Network Controller) over the Iu-PS interface
DTM - Dual Transfer Mode: supporting simultaneous voice and packet data in a GSM network
ARFCN - Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number: Within the spectrum allocated for cellular mobile communications, the radio channels are identified by ARFCN. If the system is operating in FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) mode then the channel number is associated with both the uplink and downlink radio channels. Within the GSM900 spectrum ARFCN 1 to 124 are used. In GSM1800, ARFCN 512 to 885 are used and in GSM1900 ARFCN 512 to 810 are used
PCH - Paging Channel: This is the downlink transport channel in UMTS that carries the PCCH (Paging Control Channel). It is used to broadcast paging and notification messages in a cell
TBF - Temporary Block Flow: a physical connection used by the two RR (Radio Resource) entities to support the unidirectional transfer of LLC (Logical Link Control) PDU (Protocol Data Unit) on packet data physical channels. A TBF is temporary and is maintained only for the duration of the data transfer, i.e. until there are no more RLC (Radio Link Control) / MAC (Medium Access Control) blocks to be transmitted
NMO - Network Mode of Operation: Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD)
NCO - Numerically Controlled Oscillator: An electronic system for synthesizing a range of frequencies from a fixed timebase
RAT - Radio Access Technology: This indicates the type of radio technology to access the CN (Core Network)
GERAN - GSM EDGE Radio Access Network: a type of RAT
UTRAN - UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network: a type of RAT
RSSI - Recieved Signal Strength Indication (in dBm)
C1 - A cell selection algorithm employed in GSM and GPRS: The algorithm uses the power received from cells plus additional parameters in order to assess the cell that will provide the best radio connection for the MS (Mobile Station).
C2 - A GSM cell reselection algorithm: Once the MS (Mobile Station) has camped onto a cell it will continue to assess the surrounding cells to ensure it is monitoring the cell that will offer the best radio connection. As the user moves the camped on cell may become unsuitable. This situation will generate a cell reselection
CellID - The cells ID number on a network
BSIC - Base Station Identity Code: This is a code in GSM which is broadcast on the SCH (Synchronization Channel) in order to identify the NCC (Network Colour Code) and the BCC (Base Station Colour Code)
NOTE: Use It At Your Own Risk!
script tersebut bukan milik dan hasil karya gue,
gue hanya sekedar berbagi.
semoga bermanfaat!
kegunaan dan resiko dari perubahan didalam eScreen gue juga belum begitu paham (alias masih tahap Trial & Error) & semoga dengan adanya thread ini bisa saling bantu apa keuntungan dan kerugiannya.
ga terjadi apa2,ud gw ikutan semua petunjuknya.